Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The next Discovery Wizard version supports PowerShell. We have only 11 commands by now, but we are planning to populate this list of commands soon.

Get-qssdBaseline - returns collection containing information for each server in the baseline.
Get-qssdCompare - executes, and compares the results with saved baseline. This command is similar to Get-qssdBaseline, the only difference is that it scans before returning servers collection.
Get-qssdOptions - reads Discovery Wizard options from the configuration file and returns collections of SQL logins, WMI loggins and search options.
Get-qssdScan - scans network for SQL Servers. It uses Domain Name or IP Addresses list as the input parameter.
Join-qssdBaseline - applies changes to baseline.
New-qssdBaseline - creates new baseline from the input object taken from the pipeline.
Out-qssdCsv, Out-qssdLitespeed, Out-qssdXml, Out-qssdToad - export to the specified format
Set-qssdOptions - sets Discovery Wizard options.

Sometimes our customers ask us about automation of some process: for example, discovery and export tasks. The possible solution is to use PowerShell commands available in the next Discovery Wizard version. Something like this:

Get-qssdScan -DomainNames MyDomain | Out-qssdXml -Output "C:\\Results.xml"

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